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Because a management that does not meet the needs of employees is the primary source of disengagement at work

(Source Gallup – the damage inflicted by poor managers)



For more than 20 years I have had to manage teams of several hundred people internationally. I have often been frustrated by the feeling of being misunderstood, having to carry teams and keep projects afloat. I felt alone in the challenge of driving people to give their best for the good of the business. I learned that we are not born a leader, but we become one and that knowing the different techniques is not enough, we have to practice to gain the skills .

I searched for resources to improve my leadership skills but never found anything that met my individual needs, so I created a new approach to developing Manager-Leaders® that combines coaching in the workplace with specific activities to enable a rapid improvement in poor work situations.

Allassia is a mobile subscription platform that contains detailed management best practices and how to use them, a workspace for creating and progressing action plans and an integrated video conference system for you to interact with your coach at your convenience.

I am Stéphane Pinault, founder of Allassia®




Enable the development of effective Manager-Leaders® 
that create environments of success and fulfillment


Give all managers and high potential employees 
access to professional coaching and leadership development 
through a subscription model