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Boredom at work | 6 French out of 10 | Reverse

Boredom at work | 6 French out of 10 | Reverse

A new study of QAPA emphasizes that the major challenge of companies is to give the desire to give the best of oneself to work.

While we rely on our “brains of works” to win our business, processes in place, repetitive tasks and inquisitive management, second employees of the company.

Gallup has already shown that in France only 9% of employees are promoters of their work, while 24% are detractors, leaving in the middle of this sandwich in bad taste, an in-between bland, where people get bored and come without envy or passion to work.

If you want to take a step towards creating the environment where your people want to give their best, go to Allassia to find out how we help you turn your business into a great place to work.

Because being a good place to work is the most powerful and least expensive way to attract and retain the best profiles.
