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What are Managers looking for? | Adapt the company | Simple and flexible solutions

What are Managers looking for? | Adapt the company | Simple and flexible solutions

IFOP and Cadremploi take stock of what has changed in the minds of executives in the last ten years:

  • 36% are looking for new opportunities
  • 33% say they are ready to change their business in 2019
  • 39% are in an active search process

While salary remains the main motivation for 51% of respondents, it drops 11% compared to 2011.

The reason for changing employers that has evolved the most is the motivation to work in a “good atmosphere” for 42% of executives. This correlates well with the fact that personal and relationship skills are now seen as more important than professional skills by the majority of managers.

This is why companies must evolve to respond to these new trends at the risk of seeing their best members leave to see if “the atmosphere” is better elsewhere!

And you, what do you do to develop the personal and relational skills in your company?

Discover Allassia, innovative solutions, flexible, easy and quick to implement, to create the environment where your employees have the desire to give the best of themselves.