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Allassia® Service Principles

Differing from a classic organizational audit that consists in a series of interviews in the company, Allassia is designed to listen to your teams in their day to day job and provides a private confidential space offering protection and permission to express what people have in their minds, when they need.

All the coachings are confidential and protected by

  • A bidirectional non-disclosure agreement cosigned by your company and Allassia®
  • The codes of Ethics of professional coaching associations such as the EMCC or ICF

The quarterly health checks contain systemic information about the organization.
No personal information or any kind of personal information enabling to identify anyone will ever be communicated

Allassia enabled me to understand that some adjustments in the way we communicate, and we set goals has reinvigorated the dynamics of the organization. I am looking forward to the next organizational healthcheck!


I wanted to sincerely tell you how much the service brings me. I can talk freely about my challenges, I am energized, much more confident and I feel great!


I appreciate a lot our appointments and realize they create a good dynamic for me. That helps me dive into my work with a desire to do great things and brings motivation.


Dedicated coaches

Operational Assistance

Kick-off and training

Analytical diagnosis
